On this map, at this location. Can't see it? That's because that measly dot, the one guiding your direction and self awareness, is hidden. Hidden behind whatever cluster stands in front of it. A test, a fight, a gloomy sky, a simple misunderstanding. I'm used to being positive, in fact, I try to keep my morale high daily. But some days, a shift of moods can alter an entire day. Then I find myself lost. I don't know who to tell, what to say, or what can make it better. All I know is that it will pass. I may not know this in the moment, but I always come to realize it when I can collect my thoughts. Every ill feeling will expire in due time. Bad days are rare for me, but for you, or him, they may be very common. Take note of those who are trying to help you, or even those who notice that your pace is off rhythm. Those are the ones to be thankful for. They may not know what to say, because to put it simply, your mind can sometimes be a fortress that even you can't navigate. But the fact that they are able to sense something isn't right, and don't avoid the matter altogether, shows the selflessness that resides in their persona. The most precious stones are rough and ragged. The more you let people in, the more opportunity you give to let someone know you; to let them see past the screen you don't realize you're casting. Even on your worst days, just know that this too, shall pass. Que sera, sera. Whatever will be, will be. Appreciate the ones who are "there" when you can't see the "you are here."
Worlds upside-down, emotions on rise
fight it through, show your disguise
you can shake this, this isn't you
What good does fighting do?
Walking against the crowd it feels
get me home
to what's known
to what heals
It's not on purpose that I push
that this wall I built
breaks way in flood
I want you close, but i don't know how
like rough waters hanging off the bow